Setup & Authentication

With Amity UIKit 2.3, we have introduced a new way to Authentication process. Just follow the guide below.

Adding required permissions

Your app may require the following permissions to work properly;

  1. Camera access

  2. Microphone access

  3. Photo library usage access

Before submitting your application to the store, please make sure the following permissions are already granted. Here are the steps to ask for permission.

Locate the info.plist file and add:

  1. NSCameraUsageDescription

  2. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription

  3. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription

Setup API key

AmityUIKit requires an API key. You need a valid API key to begin using the UIKit. Please find your account API key in Amity Social Cloud Console.

After logging in Console:

  1. Click Settings to expand the menu.

  2. Select Security.

  3. In the Security page, you can find the API key in the Keys section.

If you have trouble finding this, you can post in our community forum at so our support team can assist you.

import AmityUIKit

// in order to use AmityRegionalEndpoint enum, importing AmitySDK is required.
import AmitySDK 

AmityUIKitManager.setup(apiKey: "api-key", region: .SG)

AmityUIKitManager.setup should only be called once when app starts running. Calling the method repeatedly will create connection problems.

Specify Endpoints Manually (Optional)

By default, AmityClient will connect to AmityRegion.SG. You can specify endpoints manually via AmityEndpoint struct. API endpoints for each data center are different so you need to adjust the endpoint accordingly.

let endpoint = AmityEndpoint(httpUrl: "http-endpoint",
                             rpcUrl: "rpc-endpoint",
                             mqttHost: "mqtt-host")
AmityUIKitManager.setup(apiKey: "api-key", endpoint: endpoint)

We currently support multi-data center capabilities for the following regions:


Register device

To use any SDK feature, you must first register the current device with a userId. A device registered with an userId will be permanently tied to that userId until you explicitly unregister the device, or until the device has been inactive for more than 90 days. A device registered with a specific userId will receive all messages belonging to that user.

Additionally, an optional displayName can be provided if you wish to have this user identified in push notifications.

AmityUIKitManager.registerDevice(withUserId: "USER_ID", displayName: "Ali Connors", authToken: "AUTH_TOKEN")

Register device for push notifications

Registering your app for push notifications will require a device token as a parameter.

Amity's UIKit does not manage:

  • User-facing requests for push notifications and authorizations

  • The creation and refreshing of push notification tokens

It's up to your app to take those steps and pass the device token.

UIKitManager.registerDeviceForPushNotification("device-token") { isSuccess, error in
   // Handle completion here


In the event that your user logs out, you should explicitly unregister the user from the SDK as well, to prevent the current device from receiving any unnecessary or restricted data.


Unregistering a device is a synchronous operation. Once theunregisterDevice method is called, the SDK disconnects from the server and wipes out user session.

Last updated