JavaScript (Deprecated)

This page contains an overview of all relevant changes made to the JavaScript SDK and the latest version releases

The JavaScript SDK was deprecated on November 9, 2023. To continue receiving the latest features and improvements, please migrate to the TypeScript SDK - TypeScript.

Version 5.37.4 (2023-11-9)


  • Improved LiveStreamPlayer 's stability and reliability when playing a recorded live-streaming videos.


  • NodeJS >= v14.21.3

  • NPM >= v6.14.18

Version 5.37.3 (2023-10-06)

New Features

  • Introduced LiveStreamPlayer for enhanced livestream playback for an improved video-watching experience. For more information, please visit View & Play Live Stream.


  • NodeJS >= v14.21.3

  • NPM >= v6.14.18

Version 5.37.2 (2023-9-21)


  • Fixed the issue where AmityUser can't be flagged in certain situations.

Version 5.37.1 (2023-09-08)


  • Fixed the issue where the watch minutes API in video live stream got denied by the backend.

Version 5.37.0 (2023-08-11)

New Features

  • Introduced LiveStreamPlayer.getPlayer(), a new API that provides a player for live stream video playback, along with watch time tracking capability.

Version 5.36.0 (2023-06-01)


  • Fixed the following user collection pagination issue.

Version 5.35.0 (2023-03-13)

New Features

  • Introduced Session State functionality to describe the authentication status of the client device.

  • Add session v3 and sessionHandler into the option for createClient.


  • Fixed issue where user access token cannot be renewed after the token is expired.

Version 5.34.0 (2023-02-09)


  • ​Fixed issue where error message is not displayed when logging in with deleted user_id.

Version 5.33.0 (2023-01-13)


  • SDK Upgrade

Version 5.32.0 (2022-12-16)


  • Fixed issue where the Community pending screen is not getting updated when the post is declined.

Version 5.31.0 (2022-12-02)

New Features

  • Introduced the ability to query community users and receive "user object".


  • Fixed issue where user cannot update comment.

Version 5.30.0 (2022-11-18)

New Features

  • Upgraded the post review feature. When a moderator role is demoted to a user role, post creation must be approved by a moderator.


  • Fixed issue where a user who has not joined a public community can see posts in the global feed.

Version 5.29.0 (2022-11-04)

New Features

  • Introduced the ability for User roles to create community with “Admin can post only” settings.


  • Fixed issue where tags were not returned in the response when a community was created with tags.

  • Fixed issue where version 5.24.0 JS SDK does not work on Nextjs.

Version 5.28.0 (2022-10-21)

New Features

  • Introduced the ability to query poll type.

  • Introduced the ability for the channel moderator to demote a moderator to a user/member.

  • Introduced the ability for the channel moderator to promote a user/member to moderator.


  • Fixed issue where a community with metadata could not be created.

Version 5.27.0 (2022-10-07)

New Features

  • When creating a poll post, the closedIn value is set to 30 days by default if the user does not set any value.

  • Add ​​moderatorMemberCount to the channel model.


  • Fixed issue where users occasionally cannot send messages in the channel.

Version 5.26.0 (2022-09-23)


  • Non-members with the User role can no longer be able to get information about the conversation channel.

  • Non-members with the User role can no longer query messages within the conversation channel.

Version 5.25.0 (2022-09-09)

New Features

  • Community query is now case-insensitive! You no longer have to match the case sensitivity of the community’s display name when querying for a community

  • System now displays an error message while uploading HDR video format

Version 5.24.0 (2022-08-26)

New Features

  • Enhanced Video on Demand (VOD) configurations. Videos you upload with our SDK can now be transcoded to 4 different resolutions (from 360p to 1080p) with a maximum file size of 1 GB and a duration of up to 2 hours.

  • New method createVideo(file:File, feedType:ContentFeedType, onProgress:OnProgressCallback)is added in AmityFileRepository to specify the content type of the video.


  • Fixed issue where user could not create image/file message

  • Fixed issue where user could not query a channel

  • Fixed issue where user could not view the text on content column in video/image post


  • Deprecated createVideo(file:File, onProgress:OnProgressCallback). Please use createVideo(file:File, feedType:ContentFeedType, onProgress:OnProgressCallback)instead.

Version 5.23.1 (2022-08-11)


  • Fixed issue where user could not query on a deleted post

  • Fixed issue where user could not search community member using displayName

  • Fixed issue where SDK updates postSettings for community when user updates community but does not pass postSettings values

Version 5.23.0 (2022-07-29)


  • SDK Upgrade

Version 5.22.0 (2022-07-15)


  • Fixed issue where error message is displayed while creating a reply to a comment

  • Introduced real-time event for channel deletion

Version 5.21.0 (2022-07-04)

New Feature

  • Introduced ability to manage community post settings via SDK (i.e. 'Only Admins Can Post' or 'Approve Member Posts')


  • Fixed issue where the replies were not updated in the comment

Breaking Changes

  • Add new flag for postSetting to community to define minimum post requirements such as being an admin or requiring approval. This is applicable to post and create.

  • Change of parameter name from needApprovalOnPostCreation to postSetting

Previous Version:

import { CommunityRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';

  displayName: string,
  description?: string,
  avatarFileId?: string,
  categoryIds?: string[],
  tags?: string[],
  metadata?: Object,
  isPublic?: boolean,
  userIds?: string[],

New Version:

import { CommunityRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';

  displayName: string,
  description?: string,
  avatarFileId?: string,
  categoryIds?: string[],
  tags?: string[],
  metadata?: Object,
  isPublic?: boolean,
  userIds?: string[],
  postSetting?: string,
  isOfficial?: boolean,

// Available value for postSettings

Version 5.20.0 (2022-06-17)


  • Made channelId optional when creating new channels

Breaking Changes

  • ChannelId parameter in createChannel is now optional.

Previous Version:

import { ChannelRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';
* Previous version
* *** channelId is mandatory field ***
* *** type: ['standard', 'private', 'live', 'community', 'conversation', 'broadcast'] ***
ChannelRepository.createChannel({ channelId, type, displayName, avatarFileId, userIds, tags, metadata })

New Version:

import { ChannelRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';
* New version
* *** channelId is now optional ***
* *** type: ['live', 'community', 'conversation', 'broadcast'] ***
ChannelRepository.createChannel({ channelId?, type, displayName, avatarFileId, userIds, tags, metadata })

Version 5.19.0 (2022-06-02)

New Feature

  • Real time update of user deletion

Version 5.18.0 (2022-05-20)

New Features

  • Add reactionsCount into the message model


  • SDK Upgrade

Version 5.17.0 (2022-05-09)

New Features

Version 5.16.0 (2022-04-22)


  • SDK Upgrade

Version 5.15.0 (2022-03-31)

New Features

  • Update video post by adding/removing videos from the existing post (SDK only)

  • Realtime events for comments and posts in User feed

  • Support updating video post by adding/removing the video from the existing post


  • No error prompts when SDK method is invoked without internet connection

  • Unable to search for accent alphabet while using CommunityRepository.getCommunityMembers

Version 5.14.0 (2022-03-17)

New Feature


  • Changed apiRegion for Singapore to sg

  • Query posts returns only five posts regardless of the limit

  • Removed type field from joinChannel

Breaking Changes

  • joinChannel no longer accepts the type parameter

Previous Version:

import { ChannelRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';
const result = await ChannelRepository.joinChannel({ channelId: string, type: string });

New Version:

import { ChannelRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';
// “type” is no need anymore
const result = await ChannelRepository.joinChannel({ channelId: string });

Version 5.13.1 (2022-02-24)


  • Error when subscribing to all community post and comment events

Version 5.13.0 (2022-02-17)


  • SDK upgrade

Version 5.12.0 (2022-02-04)

New Feature

  • Introduce Follow/Unfollow feature.

  • Introduce Query Post support tag on both user and community feeds.

  • Create poll post now supports metadata parameter.


  • Improvement of user searching for getCommunityMembers method

Version 5.11.0 (2022-01-25)

New Features

  • Custom post ranking in global feed

  • Mention in Comment/Reply

  • Follow with multiple registerSession


  • Get Post doesn't return metadata

  • Edited post is not observed in real-time even though user subscribes to the post

  • User observed duplicated set of loadingStatus: "loaded"

  • Post disappears when its comment is deleted

Version 5.10.0 (2021-12-24)


  • SDK upgrade

New Features

  • Introduce Social Realtime Events for seamless real-time data synchronization and collaboration across all connected devices.

Breaking Changes

Previous Version:

import Client from '@amityco/js-sdk';
Client.create({ apiKey, apiEndpoint });

New Version:

import Client from '@amityco/js-sdk';
Client.create({ apiKey, apiRegion })
// OR
Client.create({ apiKey, apiEndpoint, mqttEndpoint });

The changes are optional parameters, and developers can continue to use the existing parameters if they prefer.

Version 5.9.0 (2021-12-09)

New Features

  • Create text, image, video, and file posts with the ability to mention other users

  • New assignRolesToUsers and removeRolesFromUsers methods for CommunityRepository

  • New isGlobalBan property for User model to see if user is globally banned or not

  • Search community members by CommunityRepository.getCommunityMembers method

  • Introduce support for assigning and removing multiples roles to members in community

  • Introduce support for searching members in community

  • Introduce support for mentioning users in post

  • Add isGlobalBan flag to user model


  • Community Members now will correctly return paging token if there are more members (default: 20 members)

Breaking Changes

  • assignRolesToUsers and removeRolesFromUsers will now accept roles payload as an array

  • assignRoleToUsers and removeRoleFromUsers will be deprecated

  • Change of parameter name from assignRoleToUsers to assignRolesToUsers

import { CommunityRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk'

// Previous version [deprecated]
CommunityRepository.assignRoleToUsers({ communityId: string, userIds: string[] });

// New version
CommunityRepository.assignRoleToUsers({ communityId: string, roles: string[], userIds: string[] });
  • Change of parameter name from removeRoleFromUsers to removeRolesFromUsers

import { CommunityRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk'

// Previous version [deprecated]
CommunityRepository.removeRoleToUsers({ communityId: string, userIds: string[] });

// New version
CommunityRepository.removeRoleToUsers({ communityId: string, roles: string[], userIds: string[] });

Version 5.8.2 (2021-11-10)

Breaking Changes

  • Change function type of function from sync to async for updatePost

Version 5.8.1 (2021-11-10)


  • SDK upgrade

Version 5.8.0 (2021-10-28)


  • SDK upgrade

New Features

  • Introduce permanent deletion support for comments and posts, replacing the prior default of soft delete

Version 5.7.0 (2021-10-14)

New Features

  • Provide an ability to send a message with mentioned users

  • Add the mentioned users to the message model for the community/live group chat

  • Send mention unread information to users/UIKit

  • Fetch the list of members in the chat with the ability to search using the display name or user ID

  • Add a tag feature to the post

  • Add the chat setting into the network setting


  • Cannot connect to client when user is unbanned

  • Cannot connect to client when Web Socket gets disconnected

Version 5.6.4 (2021-10-12)


  • Cannot fetch messages in chat

Version 5.6.3 (2021-10-08)


  • Incorrect error code received when user is global banned

  • Cannot load the next page in chatroom when scrolling up to the first message and new messages are received

Version 5.6.1 (2021-09-24)


  • Cannot load the next page after reading all the messages in chat and then receiving more messages

Version 5.5.1 (2021-09-03)


  • Sending a blocklisted word in a message will result to a syncing state instead of an error

Version 5.5.0 (2021-08-31)

  • Add Web SDK license

Version 5.4.2 (2021-08-16)


  • Expose channel errors to the user

  • Fix incorrect positioning of messages sent in chat when sending multiple messages at once

Version 5.4.1 (2021-08-11)


  • Expose global ban error to the user

  • Expose connection errors to the user

Version 5.3.2 (2021-07-16)

  • Minor enhancements and continuous improvement

Version 5.3.1 (2021-07-13)


  • Live Collection does not fire events for additional pages when data is already in cache

  • JoinChannels return value should be a promise

Version 5.3.0 (2021-07-08)

  • Minor enhancements and continuous improvement

Version 5.0.2 (2021-05-25)


  • Minor enhancements and continuous improvement

Version 5.0.1 (2021-05-25)


  • Minor enhancements and continuous improvement

Version 5.0.0 (2021-04-30)


  • Add explicit public flag is necessary when publishing org packages

  • Add missing default build command

Last updated