React Native Social UIKit

This page contains an overview of all relevant changes made to the Amity React Native Social UIKit modules and the latest version releases.

New Features:

  • Added post impression tracking on the Global Feed's posts.

Compatibility :

  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"

New Features:

  • Implemented additional checks when displaying the menu button from the post detail page, and enabled the edit and delete options for users with permission.

  • Implemented Post Impression tracking in Social UIKit 4.0.

  • Introduced support for editing posts.


  • Fixed a TypeError that occurred when clicking on the Edit post menu on a post from the Community (on Newsfeed).

  • Fixed an issue where the Edited tag was not shown in a post after editing.

  • Fixed an issue where users could not navigate to the Post Detail page by clicking on the Post Content or Post Header area.

  • Fixed an issue where the Save button remained enabled on the Edit Post page even when no changes were made.

  • Fixed an issue where the authentication token was missing in Web UIKit.

  • Fixed a profile picture blinking issue in Chat for Contato Seguro on Web UIKit v3.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when editing a message in Contato Seguro on Web UIKit.

  • Fixed an issue where the Feed area was automatically clicked when clicking the Discard button on the Discard confirmation popup.

  • Fixed incorrect alert content when editing with a blocked-list word.

  • Fixed an issue where the user edit profile page colors were incorrect.

  • Fixed a pending request issue in Cymbio on Web UIKit v3.8.

  • Fixed an issue where liking a comment did not update the like count or change the like button color.

  • Fixed an issue in UIKits 3.0 where the Reply Comment was only updated after refreshing the Feed.

  • Fixed an issue in UIKits 3.0 where the Post/Comment Delete-confirmation popup was empty in Dark Mode.

  • Fixed an issue in UIKits 3.0 where the comment like/unlike post count was not updated.

  • Fixed an issue in UIKit 3.0 where adding or removing users from the community was only updated after refreshing the Feed.

  • Fixed an issue in UIKit 3.0 where promoting or demoting a moderator in the community was only updated after refreshing the Feed.


  • React >= v18

  • NodeJS >= v20

  • PNPM >= v8

Version 3.1.0 (2024-07-19)


  • Fixed an issue where posts did not update immediately after removing all media from the post.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"

New Features:

  • Introduced Social UIKit v4.

  • Introduced Premium Ads in the NewsFeed, Story feed, and Comment feed of the v4 module.


  • Fixed the issue where video stories could not be created on Android.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"


  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to delete all media files from the Edit Post page.

  • Fixed an issue where users could add members from the Edit Community page.

  • Fixed the theme for the Cancel button on the Edit Community page.

Breaking Changes:

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"


  • Fixed an issue where adding members through Create Community in Dark Mode made names not visible.

  • Fixed an issue in Dark Mode where Community Story did not display Like, Comment, and View Count.

  • Fixed the spacing issue when adding members.

  • Fixed the problem where posting a video created a new blank post.

  • Fixed the add member icon in Dark Mode when creating a private community.

  • Fixed the issue where Add Member did not reflect in the list immediately and needed a refresh.

  • Fixed the inability to record video using the camera on Android.

  • Fixed the default setting for shouldCall in the usePermission hook to true.

  • Fixed and improved the add member search UI/UX.

  • Fixed the issue where a duplicate member appeared after searching in the add member modal.

Breaking Changes:

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • JDK >= 17.0.10

  • minSdkVersion = 24

  • compiledSdkVersion = 34

  • buildToolsVersion = "34.0.0"

New Features:

  • Users can now create a livestream post in your community and on the user's feed.

  • Users can watch livestreams and replay them later on in the livestream post.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • minSdkVersion android = 21

New Features:

  • Added support for push notifications with FCM and APN.


  • Fixed the color of components on the poll post/create poll post page in dark mode.

  • Fixed the issue where previously added members would disappear if you went back and tried to add more members again in the Edit Community section.

  • Fixed a bug where deleted posts would reappear after adding a new post.

  • Fixed the issue where the like would disappear after being clicked for the first time.

  • Fixed a problem where edited images or videos would not update correctly after finishing the edit.

  • Fixed a mismatch issue in the My Members list.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • minSdkVersion android = 21

New Features:

  • Added Private User Feed.

  • Added Following/Follower User Functionality.


  • The pending posts area is not visible when a user is redirected to the Community home page from the Global feed.

  • Comments are not reflected immediately; the page needs to be refreshed.

  • The message Join the community to interact with all posts appears in my Community.

  • Creating a community incorrectly adds members when switching from private to public.

  • Comments do not reflect immediately.

  • Users should be able to see their posts on their profile (private profile).

  • When a user accepts a follow request, the Cancel request button from the sender does not disappear after refresh.

  • Cannot scroll to see the next page when there are more than 10 follow requests/following/followers (pagination issue).


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • minSdkVersion android = 21


  • Fixed the sorting of items to be alphabetical instead of by creation date.

  • Fixed the poll end date display, where polls ending in 2 days were incorrectly shown as ending in 1 day.

  • Fixed the issue where the Create a Community button was cut off.

  • Fixed an issue where closed communities would still appear as open when revisited.

  • Fixed the color of the three dots in community member details in dark mode.

  • Applied dark theme to User Profile, User Profile Settings, Community Settings, and Poll Creation pages.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • minSdkVersion android = 21


  • Fixed an issue where the StoryCircle blinked upon loading the community home page.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed posting in a community by non-members.

  • Fixed the visibility of the Cancel button in the Edit community profile section, which was previously cut off on smaller screens.

  • Fixed an issue where the Save button could not be clicked when trying to add or edit a community profile picture.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • minSdkVersion android = 21

New Features:

Amity UIKit 4.0 Framework

  • Introduction of UIKit 4.0 beta: A comprehensive overhaul of the UIKit, offering enhanced performance, scalability, and ease of use.

  • Modernized UI/UX: Adoption of the latest design trends and standards, ensuring a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Story Feature

  • Dynamic Story Creation: Users can now create interactive and engaging stories, similar to popular social media platforms.

  • Rich Media Support: Enhanced support for images, and videos within stories.

For further information please visit UIKit V4 (beta) and Story.

As of now, the enhanced customization options and the design updates in Amity UIKit 4.0 are exclusively available for the Story feature. These advancements provide a glimpse into the future possibilities of the toolkit. We plan to extend these capabilities to other features in future releases, continually expanding the versatility and applicability of the UIKit.

Breaking changes

  • Set minimum version of peer dependencies.


  • React >= v16

  • NodeJS >= v18

  • NPM >= v6

  • yarn >= v1.22.15

  • Minimum iOS Target = 13.4

  • Kotlin = 1.8.0

  • minSdkVersion android = 21

Last updated