
View & Manage Community Stories


In the "Stories" menu, you can view a list of active and expired stories created in your communities. To find a community, search by its name or community ID, and you'll see all the stories, both active and expired, that have been posted there.

Alternatively, you can navigate to "Communities", select your desired community, and view the stories posted in that community. The number displayed in the "Stories" card when you click into a community indicates the total count of both active and expired stories for that community.

Active & Expired Stories

The "Stories" menu includes two tabs: Active, and Expired.

  • Active tab: Displays all currently active stories shared within the specified community

  • Expired tab: Shows stories that have expired

Within each tab, you'll be able to:

  • View Stories: See the actual image or video content posted

  • Hyperlinks: Access any included hyperlinks

  • Comments: Check the number of comments, including any flagged comments

  • Reactions: View the number of reactions to the story

  • Manage Stories:

    • Delete stories

    • Clear any flags (reports) from stories

Please note that you currently cannot view deleted stories.

Last updated