Story Drafting Page

This page provides draft preview for story creation

The Story Draft Page component of Amity UIKit 4.0 is designed to offer users the ability to prepare and preview their story content before publishing. It supports both image and video media types, enhancing the storytelling process with a seamless draft and review experience.



For more details customization, please refer to Customization page.


Integrating the Story Draft Page allows users to preview and potentially edit their story drafts before publication. This integration involves creating instances of the AmityDraftStoryPage for image or video media types, showcasing the versatility of the component in handling different content forms:

These snippets illustrate how to instantiate the draft page for both image and video stories, integrating them into the SwiftUI view hierarchy. The distinction between media types (image vs. video) allows for tailored preview experiences, ensuring users can effectively review and adjust their stories as needed.

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