Search Post

Enhancing content discovery with an intuitive approach, allowing users to explore content based on context rather than just keywords. With the semanticSearchPosts() function, the Amity SDK provides a LiveCollection of search results that prioritize relevance to the user. By utilizing advanced context recognition, semantic search enriches the discovery experience, helping users find content they might not have initially been aware of, thereby boosting community engagement.

Here's an explanation of the function parameters:

  • query: The search input.

  • targetType: Represents the type of target where the post was created. ie., either 'community' or 'user' feed. This parameter is optional. If it is not provided, the system will attempt to search for posts in possible targets where the user has the permission to read.

  • targetId: The ID of the designated target. ie., communityId when targetType is 'community' and userId when targetType is 'user'. The parameter is required if targetType is specified.

  • matchingOnlyParentPost: Excludes child posts when true, and Includes child posts when false

  • postTypes: Filter results by types of post. Currently supports TEXT and IMAGE post.

Last updated