Create Live Stream

Host your events virtually and see community interaction as it happens

There is a limitation for the maximum number of concurrent live events. Reach out to us at with your use-case and we will determine if the current limit can be raised.

Create a stream

To create a stream, follow the code below. This will return a LiveObject instance of the created StreamModel.

import { StreamRepository, StreamResolutions } from '@amityco/js-sdk'

const liveObject = StreamRepository.createStream({
  title: 'title',
  thumbnailFileId: 'fileId', // use FileRepository.createFile to upload the file and get the id
  description: 'description',
  resolution: StreamResolutions.HD,
  metadata: { customField: 'customValue' },

liveObject.on('dataUpdated', (stream) => {

Delete a stream

To delete a stream, you will need the ID of the stream that you want to delete. The function will return true if successfully deleted, otherwise, it will throw an error.

import { StreamRepository } from '@amityco/js-sdk';

try {
  await StreamRepository.deleteStream('streamId');
  console.log('Stream is deleted');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Can not delete the steam', error);

Dispose a stream

Disposing a stream means updating the streaming status to ended and invalidating the streaming URL.

To dispose a stream, you need the ID of the stream that you want to dispose. The function will return true if successfully deleted, otherwise, it will throw an error.

try {
  await StreamRepository.disposeStream('streamId');
  console.log('Stream is disposed');
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Can not dispose the steam', error);

Retrieve a stream object

Each stream object has a unique identifier. To retrieve a single stream object, use the sample code below. This function returns a LiveObject instance of streamModel. The stream object contains essential data such as the video stream title and description.

const liveObject = StreamRepository.getStream('streamId');

liveObject.on('dataUpdated', stream => {

Get the stream status

Stream consists of many states. It can change from one state to another, depending on events and actions. The following enum cases describe all the possible status of a stream.

  • StreamStatus.Idle - has generated but no actions have been taken

  • StreamStatus.Live - currently being broadcasted

  • StreamStatus.Ended - has ended broadcasting and in the progress of transforming to a recorded stream

  • StreamStatus.Recorded - has ended broadcasting and has been transformed to a recorded stream

You can check the status of a stream by calling .status.

import { StreamStatus } from 'amityco/js-sdk';

//retrieve a stream
const liveObject = StreamRepository.getStream('streamId');

liveObject.on('dataUpdated', (stream) => {

Retrieve a stream collection

StreamRepository provides a convenient method queryStreams and can be called to query live streams. We provide enums of stream status as parameters.statuses . You can observe changes in a collection as per the defined statuses.

This function returns a live collection of stream objects.

import { StreamRepository, StreamStatus } from '@amityco/js-sdk';

let streams;

const liveCollection = StreamRepository.queryStreams({
  statuses: [StreamStatus.Live],
  isDeleted: false,
  sortBy: 'lastCreated',

liveCollection.on('dataUpdated', newModels => {
  streams = newModels;

streams = liveCollection.models;

isDeleted can be any of these values:

  • null (default) - show all streams (deleted and undeleted)

  • true - show only deleted streams

  • false - show only non deleted streams

Last updated

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